
Photogrammetry is a technique that combines several pictures of a person or an object into a 3D model. This can be used for multiple purposes such as movie production, making scientific models for 3D printing, product design and more. Even if photogrammetry can be very useful it has a lot of drawbacks. In this series I am going to shear some of my experience from photogrammetry.

Photogrammetry step 1 – something simple

Runic stone
2D surface of runic stone, Photo Jörgen Hellberg

Photogrammetry step 2 – a 3D model

3D model of a runic stone
3D model of a runic stone made with Agisoft Metashape, Photo Jörgen Hellberg

Photogrammetry step 3 – masking from model

3D model of a runic stone
3D model of a runic stone made with Agisoft Metashape, Photo Jörgen Hellberg

Photogrammetry step 4 – Preparing a model for upload

3D model with fantasy UV-map, Photo Jörgen Hellberg

One of the goals with this series of tutorials is to show how to make a 3D model of a smaler subject using stacked pictures. Below is an example with a fossil of a trilobite. Trilobite (Flexicalymene retrorsa) Ordovicium 440-490 m.years Arnheim formation Mt. Orab, Ohio, USA. The trilobite is 37mm long. I used 56 camera positions, more than 2000 photos, Canon 6D, Canon MP-E 65 at 2X, Cognisys StackShot and Zerene Stacker.

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