Author: Jörgen Hellberg
Updated speed test
For Helicon Focus I have added performance with hardware acceleration. Using an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Processor and having the photos on a 1 TB Kingston’s A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD internal hard drive a large stack of 849 TIFF pictures 114MB each took 4 minutes and 43 seconds. This is approximately 3 pictures per second. […]
Focus shifting or bracketing
Pollen grain in Baltic amber
Now online: Choosing software for focus stacking step two – basic retouching
I use both Helicon Focus and Zerene Stacker and intend to continue to do so. When I want to use automatic dust deletion with a dust map photo Helicon Focus is my choise, when retouching ovarlapping structures using sub stacks/slabs I prefer to use Zerene Stacker. Read more on this page: Choosing software for focus […]
Now online: Choosing software for Focus Stacking – Step one speed
Todays picture is a Passion fruit flower
Todays picture is a Passion fruit flower (Passiflora edulis) from Bergius Botanic Garden, Edvard Anderson Conservatory This is a focus stack from 11 pictures that I took in May 2018. In the green house you are not allowed to use a tripod so for this picture I had slowly move myself closer and closer to […]