Author: Jörgen Hellberg

Updated the depth of field page

I have uppdated the depth of field page with some example calculations of depth of filed (DOF) with green light and air, using this formula. Read more here, Depth of Field


This is a Cross eyed stereo picture of Pyrite. Pyrite is cubic crystals of iron disulfide. For this picture I stacked over 800 photos in Zerene Stacker. I used a Canon 6D camera and a Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 20x and a Raynox DCR-150 as a tube lens.

Updated speed test

For Helicon Focus I have added performance with hardware acceleration. Using an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Processor and having the photos on a 1 TB Kingston’s A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD internal hard drive a large stack of 849 TIFF pictures 114MB each took 4 minutes and 43 seconds. This is approximately 3 pictures per second. […]

Focus shifting or bracketing

One method to acquire the photos for Focus stacking is focus shifting or bracketing. Just focus on the nearest thing you want to have in focus in the final picture, take a photo shift focus a tiny bit, take a new photo, shift focus take another photo and so on. Some newer cameras have the […]

Pollen grain in Baltic amber

Today’s photo is a pollen grain on the wing of an ant embedded in Baltic amber. For this picture I used a Nikon M plan 40x 0,5 ELWD objective on a Nikon Optiphot microscope. Trying to compensate for the fact that this lens is made for subjects without a cover glass and this subject was […]

Now online: Choosing software for focus stacking step two – basic retouching

I use both Helicon Focus and Zerene Stacker and intend to continue to do so. When I want to use automatic dust deletion with a dust map photo Helicon Focus is my choise, when retouching ovarlapping structures using sub stacks/slabs I prefer to use Zerene Stacker. Read more on this page: Choosing software for focus […]

Now online: Choosing software for Focus Stacking – Step one speed

I use both Helicon Focus and Zerene Stacker and intend to continue to do so. When speed is important, I tend to use Helicon Soft. Helicon Focus is faster than Zerene Stacker. I have tested with an AMD Ryzen 3700K processor and for a medium stack of 102 JPG: s Helicon Focus was 7.6 times […]

Begonia leaf

Begonia leaf with the Olympus water dipping lens UMPlanFL 20x / 0.50 W oo/0. I used Nikon Optiphot microscope, Canon 5D camera, focus stacked with Helicon Focus. Link to the picture above at Alamy Link to the picture above at Alamy

Todays picture is a Passion fruit flower

Todays picture is a Passion fruit flower (Passiflora edulis) from Bergius Botanic Garden, Edvard Anderson Conservatory This is a focus stack from 11 pictures that I took in May 2018. In the green house you are not allowed to use a tripod so for this picture I had slowly move myself closer and closer to […]

Photo of the day – A cold morning at lake Vallentuna sjön

The northern parts of lake Vallentuna have been a favourite place for more than 40 years. For a long time, the windmill Väsby kvarn on the hill have been a well-known landmark. If you search the internet you might even find some old pictures of this windmill with A and B, two members of a […]

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