Author: Jörgen Hellberg
Added a picture to the Cross eyed stereo page
I have just updated the section about microscope lenses
Mitutoyo M plan Apo 5x Mitutoyo M plan Apo 10x Mitutoyo M plan Apo 20x Some people regard the Mitutoyo M plan Apo’s to be the gold standard for photographing trough a microscope objective from 5x and up. Having problems with the chromatic aberration with some subjects when I used other non-apo microscope objectives and […]
Dor beetle
Common sundew at midsummer
Visiting the grandparent’s cottage, the day before midsummer, I found this beautiful specimen of Round-leaved sundew or common sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) down by the lake. Common sundew can be found round the globe in the northern hemisphere. The drops on the leaves are used to catch and digest insects. I wanted to have most of […]
A cold and windy summer evening in Steninge Halland
Photogrammetry step 4 – Preparing a model for upload is online
Lavender summer
Essex skipper (Thymelicus lineola), Mindre tåtelsmygare, is one of our common guests in our lavender bushes. A less common guest is the interesting Hemaris fuciformis, broad-bordered bee hawk moth, (Humledagsvärmare) with its almost transparent and very fast wings. For these photos I used the Canon 6D camera with the EF 100 mm f2.8L Macro IS […]
Closing in on the Rose chafer
Detail of a rock carving
This is a detail from one of Sweden’s largest rock carvings. It is one of two horses that are pulling a carriage. The carving is dated to the bronze age 1800-500BC. The carving is called Örstaristningen and can be found close to bird lake Angarnssjöängen in Vallentuna. You can buy this picture from Alamy at […]