Author: Jörgen Hellberg
Swan at Angarnssjöängen
It is always nice to see the common Swan (Cygnys cygnys), sångsvan, at bird lake Angarnssjöängen. In the groups of common Swans there was one that draw attention from other birdwatchers. As usual the most interesting birds are most far away. This is (probably) a tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus), mindre sångsvan. Some Swans and […]
A strange couple, a Greylag goose and a Canada goose
I saw this stange couple, a Greylag goose (Anser anser) and a Canada goose (Branta canadensis) at birdlake Angarnssjöängen on mars 22. I have not seen them afterwards, maybe they realised that they where not a perfect match. When I observed them they swam close together. After eating simultaneously for a while they tried to […]
Spring is coming to Bergius Botanic Garden
In just a few weeks it seems like spring is finally coming to Bergius Botanic Garden. Below is some pictures showing some of the flowers and animals that can be seen in the garden. Due to Corona virus The Edvard Anderson Conservatory is closed until the 13th of April. Almost alone I must have been […]
First common European adder this year
The fact that the spring is a couple of weeks early this year have made me start looking for snakes earlier than usual. Found this common European adder (Vipera berus) or Huggorm on mars 14. In Sweden we only have three species of snakes, the common European adder is the only poison one. The zigzag […]
Nikon Plan Apo 20x infinity microscope objective
The Nikon Plan Apo 20x infinity microscope objective have been reasonably priced on eBay lately. I bought mine for USD 130.00. Note that the working distance is only 1.0mm Used as intended, with a coverslip, the objective performs well inside its good image circle. Here is a picture of microscope slide I borrowed; this is […]
Cross eyed stereo, butterfly wing scales
Usually I photograph butterfly scales with the intention to make a beautiful image. This time I wanted to have a photo with a different approach. This is a small part of a butterfly wing with some damage. A few scales have fallen off entirely, leaving a part of the wing without any scales. Two dislodged […]