Morpho aega pseudocypris

The colurs of Morpho butterflies are stunning, but photographing Morpho wingscales are new to me. This is a photo of what I expected a Morpho to look like – a didius argentiferus from the Swedish Natural History Museum

It turned out that, at least some, Morphos can be quite difficult to photograph. This is a Morpho aega pseudocypris butterfly. In the same indoor light as the didius above this Morpho looks quite colourless.

The effect of light on the wing scales are quite amazing. I made this animated GIF to show that the scales of the aega pseudocypris butterfly can be shiningly blue with the correct light.

At 15x on sensor I used diffused flash to controll vibrations and quite a lot of trial and error to get the wing scales as shiny as possible. As can be seen the scales on the veins does not seem to change colour.

I used a Nikon TU plan fluor 10x objective with a Nikkor 300 mm 1:4.5 as a tube lens. Zerene stacker to controll the rail and to stack the pictures. I removed sensor dust and dust on the scales in Photoshop after stacking.
And finaly a Cross eyed stereo