Photo of the day – A cold morning at lake Vallentuna sjön

The northern parts of lake Vallentuna have been a favourite place for more than 40 years. For a long time, the windmill Väsby kvarn on the hill have been a well-known landmark. If you search the internet you might even find some old pictures of this windmill with A and B, two members of a famous song group from Sweden. I still with sadness remember the morning 2008 when walking to have a look at the windmill realising that it burned down the night before. After a long time, and with a lot of help, the windmill has just been rebuilt. This was the first autumn with the wings in place.

The path to lake Vallentuna sjön, seen from the windmill.

The pictures above was from a morning walk in September when some summer warmth still lingering in the air. The first of November the winter cold made its first appearance and the morning landscape changed and looked almost prehistoric.
When the sun came up the colours started to reappear.
A cold morning at lake Vallentuna sjön, photo Jörgen Hellberg Grass with frost, photo Jörgen Hellberg